Securing a $2.5 Million HUD Grant with Federal Grant Writing Help

With federal grant writing help, our client secured a $2.5 Million HUD grant to address homelessness in HIV population.

What did motivational speaker Zig Ziglar and the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca have in common?

Both made the following observation:

Success happens when preparation meets opportunity. 

Every grant writer understands exactly what this means. The best outcomes are generated as a result of applications with a winning mix of thorough research, intense attention to detail, unrelenting focus on mission, and engaging enthusiasm. At Millionaire Grant Lady and Associates, we are celebrating a huge funding success story from one of our clients.

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently awarded AIDS Outreach Center (AOC) a $2.5 million grant for a new project called “Housing First” in Tarrant County, Texas. The funding, designated as a Housing Intervention award to End the HIV Epidemic program (a part of the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS [HOPWA] program), is a competitive award provided to organizations providing best practices in the field. AOC’s housing initiative will serve as a Special Projects of National Significance Grant Model for HOPWA.

AOC, an organization that has served people living with or at risk for HIV since 1986, is excited to have received support to address homelessness and housing stability within its programming, and we look forward to watching them pursue this mission after helping them achieve such a milestone award.

What does it take to secure funding from a federal grant? Federal grant applications are competitive and complex. Here are our top methods to approach the federal grant application process with a winning mindset:

Dream big but take small steps.

It’s likely your organization has no shortage of dreams. Eradicating disease, reducing or eliminating barriers to a higher quality of life, and promoting education are just a few ideals for which many nonprofits strive.

However, to obtain the funding to help achieve those dreams, you must take small steps to create a secure and solid structure for successful grant applications.

The most critical element for a federal grant application is program design. Exceptional proficiency in understanding the target population and the specific social need within that community is a fundamental step to clarifying your approach to any federal grant application. Furthermore, your organization must directly and effectively address that need through its programs and services. You must demonstrate your ability to communicate with the target population as a part of that effectiveness. And you need measurable goals for your organization.

All of these aspects of your program’s design require extensive national and local research, diligent documentation, and frequent analysis of your organization’s actions and related outcomes.


Find a good fit.

Because federal grants can require significant time commitment, especially if the funding is awarded due to reporting requirements and other required activities, spending time on the most applicable grant opportunities will be most cost efficient.

Before you begin the application process, it’s essential to know that your organization can satisfy all of the requirements of the grant. That might include sources outside the federal government that will supply a minimum funding match. It’s also critical to recognize that while some federal grants are a good fit for your mission, they might seek to fund operations that are far outside your scope. Check out our top recommendations for evaluating federal grants and identifying the opportunities that can maximize your chances of success.


Work collaboratively.

Applying for a federal grant is a team effort. It might be tempting to think of the responsibility for grant applications as solely belonging to a grant writer, but in reality, many parties contribute to a successful application. For example, finance personnel must provide budgets and applicable financial documents, and can help provide cost analysis and other essential services. It’s also important to consider various perspectives involved in the work of your organization. Get personal stories from employees and from individuals who have directly benefited from the services provided by your organization. Weave those perspectives together to tell the story of your organization’s impact in the community.


Dedicate considerable time to the endeavor — or partner with a professional.

Federal grants typically require hundreds of hours of input, including research, writing, and resource gathering. Because of the enormous time, energy, and resource commitments required, it’s usually best to begin generating the application as soon as possible after the RFP is released to prepare for every contingency.

Hire a grant writer if successfully operating your organization requires your full attention, or hire a grant writer if you feel as though the quality of your grant application could suffer because of your inability to focus on the tasks involved. If you are looking for more customized assistance with the grant application process, hire a grant consultant to give you advice and direction tailored specifically to your organization.

At Millionaire Grant Lady and Associates, we love to celebrate every one of our clients’ funding accomplishments. But we also view our role as critical in helping our clients save time and focus, enabling them to more efficiently run their organizations and better serve their communities.

If you’d like to learn more about our services, contact us and we’ll get in touch. Or schedule a free call and talk to us about your organization and your grant application needs. We love to discuss ideas to help nonprofits secure funding to pursue their missions and improve our world.