Celebrating success: $14 million+ in funding for our nonprofit partners

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When I first got into grant writing, I was encouraged by many people to specialize. They thought the surest path to impactful work with nonprofits was to select a highly specialized niche (like Department of Education government grants) and work only with nonprofits that wanted to apply for those grants.


Having worked in a nonprofit office for years, though, I felt I could be most impactful by offering nonprofits a variety of grant services. Today, Millionaire Grant Lady and Associates works with nonprofits of every shape and size across the United States to conduct grant research, prepare high quality grant templates, apply for foundation funding, submit follow-up reports, complete narratives for government grant RFPs, and more. To learn more about how we support nonprofits in our work, read our article here.


By offering nonprofits a variety of grant resources, I can help them diversify their funding. Diversifying funding sources is critical to being able to weather a variety of economic situations that may impact any singular funding source.


For example, while government grants can be attractive because of the large, multi-year awards they offer, government grants are also more dependent upon any particular administration’s goals. This has been true since government grant funding began, and it will continue to be true no matter what the current or future administrations bring.


Foundations, though, are ran by people whose giving tends to be more stable year to year. Adding foundation funding as a revenue source can help nonprofits sustain and grow funding, even when government grants shift. 


Last year, the Millionaire Grant Lady and Associate team helped our nonprofit clients win over $14 million in funding in foundation, local and state government, and federal grants. And because it can take around 6 months to hear back from foundation funders, we anticipate these numbers will grow in the coming months. Are you ready to grow your grant funding? Click here to schedule a call with our team today!


This funding helped our nonprofit partners deliver new programs, cover rising costs due to inflation, build capacity, purchase vehicles and equipment for service delivery, hire staff, and simply turn the lights on. We are proud to have been a part of their success, and we want to take a moment to celebrate!


Here are some big wins from 2024:


Shining a light on local issues

Much of America now reads their news online. The Fort Worth Report is a nonprofit newspaper that provides local news coverage of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, and Arlington. Their mission is to produce high-quality objective local journalism that informs public decision-making, addresses the quality of life of the community’s citizens, holds policymakers accountable and tells readers’ stories by listening to them and making sure they are valued and understood. Last year, we worked with the Report to secure more than $500,000 in funding for their nonprofit newsroom. Foundation funding will help fuel their initiatives so they can provide more solutions-based, nonprofit news coverage of Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.


Supporting health initiatives

Last year, we worked with a variety of nonprofits to secure funding for health initiatives for the people they serve. These initiatives included:

  • Mental health counseling
  • Dental services
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Access to testing and medications
  • Transportation for medical appointments
  • And more


These services helped underserved populations maintain their mental and physical health so they can be their best selves. This work contributes to their ability to maintain employment, pursue their goals, take care of their family, and contribute to their community.


Furthering capital campaigns

Since 1969, Streams & Valleys has dedicated itself to embracing the Trinity River as Tarrant County’s most precious local and regional amenity. Their Trinity Park and Trail Enhancement Project is a comprehensive series of improvements and innovations that will fundamentally transform Fort Worth’s grandest public space and ensure that Trinity River remains fun, accessible, sustainable, and economically vibrant. 


Last year, we worked with Streams & Valleys to secure more than $260,000 in foundation funding toward this capital campaign goal. This support will ensure the Trinity River remains a seminal landmark and safe green space in Fort Worth. We are honored to have been part of their success.


Launching new programs

Applying for federal grants can be a complicated process, and they are not right for every organization. But when the right opportunity comes along for the right nonprofit at the right time, they can be transformative.


Aspire Chicago is a nonprofit whose mission is to make boundless inclusivity possible for people with disabilities. Last year, we worked with them to secure a Department of Education grant worth more than $9 million to launch their employment training program. This grant was part of the DOE’s initiative to create a 21st century workforce of youth and adults with disabilities through the transformation of education, career, and competitive integrated employment. Aspire’s one-of-a-kind employment training program will further inclusion and employment outcomes for people with disabilities by helping them secure stable, competitive employment in an in-demand field.


Continuing work begun by a federal grant

Federal grant funding often offers large, multi-year awards. This funding can be critical to launch a new program. But once the program is launched, additional funding will be needed to continue the good work begun with the federal grant.


AIDS Outreach Center is the largest non-profit AIDS service organization in Tarrant County. With a Challenge Grant and American Recovery funding, they were able to launch Seasoned Survivors, the first senior center in the United States dedicated to older adults living with HIV. Today, Seasoned Survivors serves older adults in Fort Worth with services that reduce isolation and improve health outcomes. Last year, we helped AOC secure $300,000 in funding to continue and expand this program.


Providing housing for vulnerable populations

My background is in social work, and while I am passionate about so many social causes, I am acutely aware that safe, secure housing is the foundation people need to thrive. It is hard to maintain employment if you don’t have a house. It is hard to get and stay healthy if you don’t have a home. It is hard for children to thrive in the classroom if they don’t have a roof over their heads at night.


Each year, I am blessed to help a variety of nonprofits whose work centers on housing for their clients, and each year, we see big wins for these clients. Last year, one of these wins was for East Texas Crisis Center. The mission of East Texas Crisis Center is to provide safety, shelter and education to victims of family violence, sexual assault, dating violence and other violent crime, and to restore dignity and purpose to their lives. Last year, we helped ETCC win a $600,000 grant from the Office of Violence Against Women to support transitional housing and support services for victims of violence in East Texas. This grant will help people impacted by violence be safe, remain housed, and create better lives for themselves and their children.


Securing funding to support wide range of causes

In addition to these highlights, in 2024 we secured funding for:

  • People with disabilities
  • Children’s nutrition 
  • Education initiatives
  • Victim services
  • Senior citizens
  • The arts
  • Community health
  • Housing
  • Veterans
  • Advocacy
  • And more


We worked with nonprofits in:

  • DFW area
  • East Texas
  • Texas, statewide
  • California
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Louisiana
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • New Mexico
  • Oregon
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin


We are grateful to our partners for choosing us to help them pursue grant funding. 


What’s next?

This year is well underway, and while there is some uncertainty about what the year will bring, there are also some certainties that we can know for sure about this year.


  1. Important causes are going to need nonprofits to be prepared to do the work. The world has always been moved forward by good people dedicated to good causes.

  2. Nonprofits are going to continue to need funding. It has always been true that it takes money to do good work.

  3. Diversifying funding sources is going to continue to be critical. Over-relying on any singular source of income puts nonprofits at risk during economic or political shifts.

  4. Foundation funding tends to be more stable over time. Foundations tend to retain the same giving priorities year after year.

  5. Foundation funding tends to be responsive to local needs. For example, during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and for years afterwards, many foundations gave special grants to local nonprofits in response to the pandemic and its impacts. Additionally, foundations may give more to certain categories if they are aware that other funding sources are shifting away from funding that issue.

  6. Foundation grants will be competitive. Grant funding has always been a competitive process. As other funding sources ebb and flow, this puts more strain on stable funding sources like foundation grants.

  7. Nonprofits cannot do it all. Nonprofit teams are often stretched thin and could use an additional hand on deck. If you know you need to increase grant funding but don’t have capacity or want an expert partner, let’s talk. Our top-tier grant writing firm is ready to support you and your nonprofit in this work. Schedule a no-obligation consultation call with our team today.


We want to say thank you to the many nonprofits who trusted us to move their mission forward in 2024. The funding we achieved is a testament to their vision, their work, and their impact. It is also a testament to the proven Millionaire Grant Lady system and to the strength of our partnerships with each nonprofit we work with. I got into grants to make a difference. The truth is simply that it takes money to do good work, and last year we earned more than $14 million for our nonprofit partners to help them do that good work.


If you want to talk more about grant funding for your organization, schedule your no-obligation consultation call with us today. We are ready to partner with you to help you win big in 2025.


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Picture of Alex Dunn, MSW, CFRE

Alex Dunn, MSW, CFRE

Alex Dunn is the Millionaire Grant Lady and a social worker. She is the creator of the Area of Focus™ and Core Cultivation™ strategies and the Attractiveness Quotient™ survey for nonprofits. Alex has used these secrets to multiply grant funding for organizations, with over $100 million in grant funding. She is a long-time board member and current president of the Grant Professionals Association North Texas chapter.

About Us

Millionaire Grant Lady & Associates is a Texas-based, woman-owned grant writing firm providing services like grants management, grant writing support, and program design assessments for nonprofits, private foundations, and government grants.

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